The Salvas ‘Managing People Who Manage Conflict’ half-day workshop has been designed to inform and empower managers and team leaders responsible for supporting staff and reducing their risk of severe verbal and physical abuse.
Our engaging, half-day workshop uses interactive small-group exercises to empower managers to positively support their staff and create a confident, calm atmosphere where they can thrive within your business.
SALVAS courses have benefitted a wide variety of workers, including bus revenue protection staff, community wardens, housing staff, education staff in schools and colleges, and health service providers, all of whom are subject to a range of workplace abuse and violence on a daily basis.
We include specific scenarios and case studies in our training entirely around the issues your staff face in their role. These could include Lone and remote working safely, visiting people in their homes, approaching people and vehicles, working with children and teenagers, and people with mental health or addiction issues.
After experiencing our training and support, all said that they were better informed, more confident when dealing with such situations, and less stressed at work as they felt ready and able to deal with what can be, without effective training, a real threat to staff satisfaction and safety with their working environment.
Workplace violence is a sad fact of life in an increasingly stressed world, but effectively trained staff and management are the key to de-escalating it before it starts. SALVAS can help.
As part of a step-change in training delivery, our E-learning modules can provide the complete answer for developing your staff’s confidence in safely managing or resolving conflict.
It can be used to increase the awareness of conflict throughout the entire workforce and help you with staff induction, teach basic information and refresh knowledge at work or from home.
They can learn online at a time and place that is suitable for the individual.
As part of a blended learning approach learners who use e-learning to pre-load core knowledge, can free time to be spent on practical skills’ practice
SALVAS offer eLearning courses designed for frontline staff who may encounter conflict situations in the course of their work.
The e Learning modules are interactive and have a completion time of about 2.5 hours.
Human beings learn by watching, listening and doing.
Research shows that by combining training delivery methods you can make learning more meaningful for people.
During the Covid 19 pandemic, when face to face workshops was severely curtailed, SALVAS worked with Glasgow Overnight Welcome Centre to prepare staff to support and manage homeless guests many of whom had suffered emotional trauma and who had mental health and addiction problems.
Staff undertook a 2.5 hours of Positive Approaches to Behaviour and Safer De-Escalation e-learning programme covering positive and proactive approaches to managing different types of conflict based on respect for their centre guests and an understanding of their needs.
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