Personal Safety

Personal Safety, Conflict Management and Safe De-Escalation

Personal Safety, Conflict Management and Safe De-Escalation Training

Violence in the workplace is a fact of life.

Keeping our staff, customers and service users safe has never been more important as levels of stress, workplace violence, and conflict have soared, especially since the impact of Covid-19 has been felt.

But it’s not just good business practice to keep everyone safe, for, as employers we all have a legal duty of care to do just that.  We, at Salvas, provide you with expert training to help you do just that.

We’ll make sure that you know and understand your legal rights and responsibilities, help you to review your operational policies and procedures and, crucially, to better understand human behaviour.

Trauma can affect the behaviour of your staff, customers and service users, so, we’ll train you and your staff, whether directly, through e-learning, or by training your trainers, to recognise and reduce the impact of the kind of triggers which can cause conflict and situations to escalate, with potentially serious, or, even lethal results.

At Salvas, we’ve worked with a wide range of businesses and services in both the public and private sectors to make the workplace a safer and, so, a more productive place for all, and we do that by tailoring training to your specific needs.

We’ll show you how to carry out dynamic risk assessments, give you the skills to prevent situations escalating, safely and effectively, and take you through relevant, tested, tried, and effective, methods of boosting personal safety, as well as post-incident reporting and support.


Our expertise is based on many years of working in and providing training in the field, and our highly satisfied customers include bus company revenue protection inspectors, school managers, teachers, classroom assistants, community safety wardens, housing officers and voluntary sector client-facing staff.In all cases we listen carefully to ascertain the specific needs of your business or service and provide a service-specific training package to meet those needs, while providing you and your staff with the well-tried and tested basics, applicable in all cases, to provide a solid base of skills, awareness and perception.

All staff have a legal right to go to work and be safe there, and to return home safe and well after. Our training gives staff confidence to deal effectively with situations and threats which, without appropriate training, can quickly turn extremely challenging.

We will co-operate with you to ensure that your staff go to work each day secure and confident in their abilities to recognise potential threats and to de-escalate them, quickly and effectively. We’ll also help you provide and refine legal and effective reporting systems to allow staff to log incidents, so that they, and management together, can learn from them and further refine and improve systems.

Workplace violence is on the rise. It is neither acceptable nor legal. By choosing our bespoke training, delivered by experienced and effective trainers, you will ensure that your staff will be, and feel, safe in their places of work.

Personal Safety, Conflict Management and Safer De-Escalation Training Courses

One-day on-site workshop

The Salvas Personal Safety, Conflict Management and Safer De-escalation workshop has been carefully designed for frontline staff that may encounter abuse, threatening behaviour or conflict whilst doing their job.

This engaging, one-day, classroom-based workshop uses interactive workbooks, small group exercises, ‘walk through scenarios’, and plenty of practical instruction to ensure your staff feels safe in the workplace.

It relates closely to our Conflict Management and Personal Safety for Lone Workers e-learning course, and can be taken alongside it as part of a blended learning programme, or on its own as a stand-alone workshop.

Course Content

  • What is ‘Workplace Violence’?
  • Policies and operational procedures
  • Rights, risks and responsibilities
  • Understanding human behaviour
  • Trauma – and how it can affect behaviour
  • Recognise and reduce triggers of conflict and escalation
  • Positive interactions and choices
  • Dynamic risk assessment
  • Skills to prevent escalation
  • Safer de-escalation strategies
  • Personal safety and post-incident reporting and support

Course Benefits

With this essential training, your staff will gain the knowledge and confidence to reduce and manage any conflict, whilst protecting their personal safety and the reputation of your organisation.

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Why Choose SALVAS Workplace Personal Safety, Conflict Management and Safer De-escalation Training Courses

SALVAS courses have benefitted a wide variety of workers, including bus revenue protection staff, community wardens, housing staff, education staff in schools and colleges, and health service providers, all of whom are subject to a range of workplace abuse and violence on a daily basis.

We include specific scenarios and case studies in our training entirely around the issues your staff face in their role. These could include Lone and remote working safely, visiting people in their homes, approaching people and vehicles, working with children and teenagers, and people with mental health or addiction issues.

After experiencing our training and support, all said that they were better informed, more confident when dealing with such situations, and less stressed at work as they felt ready and able to deal with what can be, without effective training, a real threat to staff satisfaction and safety with their working environment.

Workplace violence is a sad fact of life in an increasingly stressed world, but effectively trained staff and management are the key to de-escalating it before it starts. SALVAS can help.


As part of a step-change in training delivery, our E-learning modules can provide the complete answer for developing your staff’s confidence in safely managing or resolving conflict.

It can be used to increase the awareness of conflict throughout the entire workforce and help you with staff induction, teach basic information and refresh knowledge at work or from home.

They can learn online at a time and place that is suitable for the individual.

As part of a blended learning approach learners who use e-learning to pre-load core knowledge, can free time to be spent on practical skills’ practice

SALVAS offer eLearning courses designed for frontline staff who may encounter conflict situations in the course of their work.

The e Learning modules are interactive and have a completion time of about 2.5 hours.

Blended Learning

Human beings learn by watching, listening and doing.

Research shows that by combining training delivery methods you can make learning more meaningful for people.

During the Covid 19 pandemic, when face to face workshops was severely curtailed, SALVAS worked with Glasgow Overnight Welcome Centre to prepare staff to support and manage homeless guests many of whom had suffered emotional trauma and who had mental health and addiction problems.

Staff undertook a 2.5 hours of Positive Approaches to Behaviour and Safer De-Escalation e-learning programme covering positive and proactive approaches to managing different types of conflict based on respect for their centre guests and an understanding of their needs.

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